Asking questions is the salt of democracy. Asking questions to artists is even worse: it’s the sign of a newfound wariness towards intellectual work. But there is a right way to go about, and at Lago Film Fest, we practice it every morning at our meetings with the authors: a series of daily Q&As, open to the public, in the lounge area at Livelet, with a one-off session in the bucolic quiet of the green area in Santa

Maria and a hike to Pian de le Femene. Do join us: we’ll go through what we’ve watched, listened to and enjoyed the night before, without animosity (these people’s only fault is their belief in creative expression), but with authentic curiosity and no pre-written questions. Though we must admit, we tend to ask Any future projects? a bit too often.

Saturday, July 21
11.00 p.m. – Parco del Livelet

Sunday, July 22
11.00 p.m. – Parco del Livelet

Monday, July 23
11.00 p.m. – Parco del Livelet

Tuesday, July 24
11.00 p.m. – Pian delle Femene

Wednesday, July 25
11.00 p.m. – Area Verde di Santa Maria

Thursday, July 26
11.00 p.m. – Parco del Livelet

Friday, July 27
11.00 p.m. – Parco del Livelet

Saturday, July 28
11.00 p.m. – Parco del Livelet