Ruben Marciano (1992) attended the Screenwriting course at the Scuola d’Arte Cinematografica “Gian Maria Volonté” and RAI Master on TV writing. Then, he worked as assistant director and script reader at Fandango and Rodeo Drive. Also, he graduated in Psychology, with a master’s degree thesis about the intimacy of Matteo Salvini.
Claudio Zago is a depressed artist. His uncle Sergio Marangon, a wealthy and conceited textile entrepreneur, tries to ennoble him with a meaningful job: looking after his parrot Mefisto.
But in addition to Sergio’s parrot, Zago gains access to his mansion, the perfect set for his last great performance: taking his own life at the height of a large electro-pop show. But he fails. Desolate, he is sitting in his uncle’s favourite chair and receives a phone call: Bigi, an employee sacked by Marangon, who wants to blackmail him with a pressure bomb that is right under the chair. If he gets up… BOOM!
But on the other side of the line is not Marangon, but his nephew Zago, who’s longing to commit suicide.
Will Bigi the blackmailer be able to save Zago’s life or will things get complicated with Marangon’s sudden return home?
Claudio Zago è un artista depresso. Suo zio Sergio Marangon, ricco e tronfio imprenditore del tessile, prova a nobilitarlo con un lavoro di responsabilità: badare al suo pappagallo Mefisto.
Ma oltre al pappagallo, Zago ottiene accesso alla villa, il set perfetto per la sua ultima grande performance: togliersi la vita al culmine di una grande installazione elettro-pop. Ma fallisce.
Sconfitto, siede sulla poltrona preferita dello zio ricevendo una telefonata: Bigi, ex-dipendente di Marangon, ora esodato, vuole ricattarlo con una bomba a pressione che si trova proprio sotto la poltrona. Se si alza… BOOM!
Ma dall’altra parte della linea non c’è Marangon, bensì suo nipote Zago, aspirante suicida.
Riuscirà Bigi, il bombarolo, a salvargli la vita o le cose si complicheranno con l’improvviso ritorno a casa di Marangon?