For the first year Moving bodies, born as a focus dedicated to dance in video at Lago Film Fest, becomes an international competition.
The selected films are small jewels, where dance and movement intersect with everyday life, with the hidden folds of our existence and impose themselves as an essential ingredient of our life. If we want, they are courageous acts of making an art indelible, which in itself disappears at the very moment of its manifestation, vanishes in its fulfillment, trying to make it immortal. Cinema and dance merge and let themselves be seduced by one another in a single great work.
Moving Bodies is part of the Lago Dance project which aims to create a BAUHAUS of dance that therefore keeps the co-production within itself, the idea of an active laboratory, the profound union of all artistic disciplines, making them converge in a harmonious interaction. Realizing a perfect cultural union, a Gesamtkunstwerk, a synthesis of the arts in the highest, noblest, most utopian and prolific sense.